We went to the coolest playground I have ever seen today. It is called Clemyjontri. It is so big! We have had cooler weather this week, so it has been nice to do some things outside and not die from the humidity. The boys had a great time running around in the maze, swinging, climbing, sliding, and doing all kinds of monkey bar things. Too bad I didn't have ANY money in my wallet, so we couldn't ride the carousel. I guess we saved something for next time.
We tried a new ice cream store and I think I am hooked. I have been scheming about how I can get back there soon for another butter pecan twist cone. Plus, it has a great name!
Cam is finally coming in handy. He can unload a dishwasher in two seconds-but it's nice if someone is there to catch the dishes!
More from our vacation-Black Sand Beach was one of my favorite places we visited. Black sand is very hot! But the color contrast of the black sand, blue water and green plants was gorgeous.
Everything in this cemetery was dead-still not sure why...
Best thing on the road to Hana--Guava Coconut Hawaiian Ice!
Trying to get a good picture from the passenger seat.
Good food at Cheeseburger in Paradise after snorkeling.
The very cool banyon tree in La Haina--all the roots are above ground
Fun time at Brighton! Hiking, tripping, dusty feet, fishing, eating, games, pictures, ping pong, pool, whining, pinata, treats, rocks, dirt, fresh air, wildflowers, laughing. We love being with cousins!
For Spencer's birthday, we went to the zoo AGAIN because Spencer loves animals. Seeing the Komodo Dragon and the Cheetahs made his day, he said. The rest of us were very hot and sticky but it was fun anyway. On Saturday we had a Jungle themed party. The kids ran an obstacle course, hunted for snakes, and threw poison frogs. It is always nice to see the boys laughing and having fun. He got some nice presents from his friends and the boys enjoyed playing with them the rest of the day, but Sam still is wondering why Spencer got all the presents. I made this little collage of pictures from our outings, but I was experimenting a bit so they might be blurry. Oh well, I am still learning.