This boy loves to get dirty! We have had a big pile of topsoil in our driveway for a couple of weeks and every time he goes outside he heads straight for it. I forget and then come around the corner to find him a total mess! It is the blackest, stickiest dirt I've ever seen here in Virginia. You have to work hard to wash it off in the bathtub. Oh well, he's happy. Especially when he is dirty and swinging! Love him!
We kept to our Memorial Day tradition and woke up early to go to a memorial. This year we chose the Manassas Battlefield two reasons. Nate has been interested in the Civil War lately, and Matt had to be back at 8:00 to go to the temple with the youth of our ward, so we needed to be close to home. We literally dragged the boys out of bed at 5:15, but once we started our walk they were awake and having fun. It was a beautiful morning and we walked along a boardwalk and then up to a meadow. Nate told us a little about the battle of Bull Run and we talked about how blessed we are to live in this country. We really are so thankful for all who have sacrificed so that we can enjoy so many freedoms.
Cameron turned two recently but he still says "fie" when you ask him how old he is. On his birthday we went to the zoo. It was a little rainy but still busy. The highlight??? for Sam at least was seeing the big gorilla eat poop. I liked seeing the young tigers and it was so long ago that I can't remember what Cameron liked the best (snacks probably). I am still behind is posting our recent events. It was nice to have Hill and Tom and their girls with us. We had such a busy day (zoo, driving, baseball) that Cameron was too tired to eat any of his cake. He did have fun opening his presents. He is kind of a monster sometimes but we sure love having him in our family!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
One day with Hill we drove a long way to play at this cool park.
When Sam came in the morning of his birthday he said, "Mom, I'm five now. Look! I can run faster!" He could not wait for this birthday to come. He is looking forward to Kindergarten and other things bigger kids get to do.
After school we went to lunch with the Billings and Hill, Addy and Elsie. It was a real party. They were so nice at Chick-fil-a bringing out balloons and cows for everyone and ice cream too. Later in the day Sam got to open some presents. He was not surprised when he opened his light saber (because he had found it the day I bought it), but he was still excited. The headlamp was also a gift-trying to be just like Dad.
That night the neighborhood kids gradually gathered in the yard so Sam got a party after all. We sang and had cupcakes and the kids had a great time playing together. We are so blessed to have Sam in our family. He makes us laugh everyday. Happy Birthday Sam!
Hill and her girls came to visit us last week. We have done so many things, I have a million pictures to go through. Here are a few of the kids just playing in the yard.