I'm being really slow in posting about our vacation. so here is our 4th of July celebration. We all stayed up at Mom and Ennis' country house and had a great time! They had so many fun things for kids to do. The first night we had dinner and then Ennis read some cowboy poetry (Nate loved it) and he taught us how to dance the Virginia Reel. Then around the campfire each family did a skit or a song.
Early the morning of the fourth we had a flag ceremony. The oldest boy in each family got to carry a flag, Em, Hill, and I sang the Star-spangled Banner, we said the pledge of allegiance, and then to top it off Spencer helped Ennis light a CANON which exploded very loudly! It was exciting. Granny and Grandpa joined us for the day, most of which was spent at the shooting range. Matt couldn't get Nate and Spencer to quit, although I don't think he minded because he got to stay and shoot that loud handgun. We each competed in a turkey shoot and Zac was the biggest turkey, but Em looked the best in her Annie Oakley costume. I was surprised at how much fun it was and I didn't do half bad.
We had a great time at the Oakley Rodeo and the cousins looked so cute in their cowboy hats and bandanas. Saturday we adventured down the "lazy" river. Mom told us it was a nice slow float, but it was a little more tense than that with a bunch of little kids and the water was FREEZING. I would do it again though. I thought it was the funniest when we ended up on a bridge in someone's pasture with their horses in the river and their geese honking wildly at us.
So, thanks Mom and Ennis for a great holiday.

The cursed family picture.

How cute is Bridger following Zac around watching him shoot grasshoppers!

Mom and Granny

The shooters

The non-shooters under the tree.

The awesome range that Ennis had built.

Aren't they so cute?

The AIRPLANE-there is no end to the cool stuff at this house.

Buddies Spence and Amanda on the 4-wheeler

Cowboy Sam gettin' a drink from the fountain.

Vince and Landon playin' horseshoes.

Tom and Addy hangin' out.

Em and Haley.


Ben and Sam and a portion of Matt's awful mustache he thought was so funny.

Indiana Nate

The favorite pastime-falling out of the hammock.

Carson eating dirt.

Campfire skits.

Flag ceremony.

The canon.

Our family at the rodeo. Sam is there, if you look close you can see his knee.