Today I took the boys out so we would be out of the way for Matt's scout meeting. First, I thought we would go to McDonalds. Partly because I like egg McMuffins and partly so the boys could play and run around. By the time we got on the road I knew we would miss breakfast being served, so I went back home to get a coupon from an expensive coupon book I was coerced into buying last week. It was a buy two get two entrees free at Silver Diner.
So then we headed in the other direction for chocolate chip pancakes. We got seated at a too small table and it just got worse from there. Cameron was AWFUL. I caught a glimpse at what our plane ride is going to be like and I am SCARED! But, between the crying and yelling, kicking off shoes, the climbing up the back of the bench to peek over the other side, drinking syrup out of the tiny syrup pitcher, sticking fingers into the tiny syrup pitcher, tipping the cup up so high that a half a gallon of chocolate milk dumps all over, refusing to eat anything much except for graham crackers dipped in ketchup, oh, and throwing binkies onto the gross floor 13 times, the boys had a fun meal. But to top it off, my coupon didn't work for kids meals. I may have tried to argue about it because it didn't say that on the coupon, but I just wanted to get out of there at that point.
Why is it that people either have to say "Are all those yours?" or else my favorite "Wow, you have your hands full!" If I have to make one more polite comment back to these people, I might hit someone.
Even after all that, we did have a great day. We went to the new Marine Corp Museum and it was very well done. As we left, the boys were saying things like, "That was the best museum ever!" and "Let's come here everyday!" and "Thanks Mom for bringing us here!" (Which was my favorite comment of the day.) I'm sure we'll go back soon. We didn't get to see it all because of more of Cameron's exciting behavior.

This is the looking up from the center of the building. It is abstractly shaped like the Iwo Jima Memorial.

This floor vibrated and shook when bombs went off in the scene being described.

This big tank was the best part. There was a fierce battle.

Seriously, I am so grateful for those who serve our country. I'm impressed by their courage, discipline, patriotism and strength. I hope I live with more gratitude for the easy life I get to enjoy.