We are not usually at our own home for Christmas, but this year we were. It was kind of bittersweet because while we really enjoyed the day, we missed our families! I love being together with our parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, and grandparents. I love the parties, the food, watching everyone open gifts, seeing the kids play together, playing games, and talking.
We had a party the day after Christmas (I didn't take any pictures) with some good friends that felt a little like being home to me, which was nice.
Christmas Eve
Almost impossible to get them all looking at the same time!

Christmas Morning
Waiting for Dad to turn on lights and check to make sure Santa came.

Heading down youngest to oldest.

He came!
Cam finally got his Nutcracker.

The long awaitest Stratego game.

Sam got his SLINKY!


I gave the boys fleece blankets with their favorite baseball teams.

The back of Nate's has old uniforms and special t-shirts from sporting events.

I was excited about this goody that Matt gave me. I love the polka dots!

Lots of screams when the boys opend Beatles Rock Band from Nana and Grandpa!

Another fun surprise--which I only took video of--was from Mom and Ennis. The boys had fun doing a treasure hunt which led us to the final clue and message that we will all be going to DisneyWorld next Christmas! I'll have to add the cute puzzle Mom drew. The boys didn't quite know what to think. I'm already getting excited. It is always fun to have something to look forward to.
Thanks you to everyone for the wonderful gifts and cards and for making our day great,
even though we couldn't be with you! We love you!
Merry Christmas!
What a fun Christmas it looks like you all had! I love the picture you took that has Matt in the background videoing everything and the look on the boys faces are priceless. Missed you!
We missed you guys too! Christmas just didn't feel the same without you home. Your Christmas looks like it was awesome. We are trying to come up with excuses and the time to come out and see you so we can take the kayaks for a spin…..
I keep telling Aaron he and Matt need to plan a camping trip out here on the condition that he brings you and the boys with him to hang out with me for a few days.
Oh, and I love the shootsac.
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