After lunch the other day, I went into the office to check my email and when I came out Sam was gone. Cameron was sleeping so I walked around softly calling for Sam. I went upstairs to look in his room and I saw that the blanket on our bed was bent funny. (See first picture.)

I walked around the bed and saw him tucked perfectly under the blanket like this, sleeping. I thought it was so cute that I ran and got my camera out. Later, when he got up I asked if he had been tired and he said, "No, I was cold." He didn't believe me that he had fallen asleep.

Sam says a lot of funny stuff. He calls vitamins, bite-amins. Sandwiches-Famwhiches. Nutcrackers-Nuthatchers. Last weekend we went to our friend's baptism and he said something that cracked me up. We were listening to the talk on the Holy Ghost and he looked up as if everything was now clear to him and said, "So he is kind of like a ghost (laughing). But not a scary one, a NICE one."