We made our annual trip to Cox Farm with Nana. It was HOT beautiful fall day. The boys loved the dinosaur slide the most-I did too-but I didn't take any pictures there. The hayride is always fun. Sam wasn't sure if he wanted to go because he remembered that aliens come out at one point and last year one of them grabbed Sam and scared him pretty bad. After we told him that they were farmers dressed up he seemed ok, but he still wouldn't sit near the end. Nate loves the rope swing where you land in a big bin of foam but I wouldn't let him do it this year because of his leg. He got over being mad at me and had a great day too. Spencer liked petting the baby calf. Cameron loved all the animals and kept trying to pet the goat's rear ends.
The weather here is finally starting to feel a little like fall. We drove to the Shenandoah Mountains yesterday to enjoy the fall leaves. Most everything was still green but it was beautiful anyway. We had a picnic and the boys had fun walking on the rock walls, finding sticks, and throwing rocks. Good boy stuff. I was trying to practice shooting with backlight. It was nice to be up in some mountains again (hills rather) and I kept thinking of times growing up when we would drive up the canyons to see the leaves, have picnics, and take family pictures. Something about fall makes me miss my family. We love you all!!!
So, here are the boys on their first day of school. Nate is in fourth grade, Spencer in first grade, and Sam is in preschool in the Blue Bears class. They are all doing great and we love their teachers. Nate is going back to school again on Monday and so we are happy about that. Thanks for all of your love and prayers!!! I couldn't leave Cam out, so here is one of him having a great time in a puddle on the sidelines of a soccer game.
Well, three times is definitely too many times to go to the Emergency Room in about a month. I spent another night in the ER, but this time with Nathan. He will be ok but he is sure in a lot of pain with shingles. I don't like that name, it creeps me out for some reason. He kept saying his leg hurt but we couldn't see anything wrong. Then he started getting a rash. Sunday was our Primary Program and he was quite a little trooper. He stayed up on the stand (although he was making some pain filled expressions) and said his part, and then he walked off and out into the hall. Matt took him home and then later we decided to take him to the doctor. The nurse on the phone told me to go to an urgent care in Springfield which is near where we used to live. So we drove about 50 minutes only to find out that there is not an urgent care there. We headed for home and I planned to take him to the pediatrician today, but then I changed my mind and we went to the hospital where I had Cameron instead. Sooooo, I don't want to see another ER for a loooong time! I guess I should just be grateful that I can take my kids (or Matt) to the doctor when I need to.
Here are a few pictures from last week. We did some fun sight seeing with Granny and Grandpa. The boys wished they could have stayed longer and they keep asking when they are coming back. Thanks for visiting!!!