I love Halloween! We had a great day getting fun food ready for dinner and looking forward to trick or treating. The boys already had plenty of candy from our ward Trunk or Treat but they like going out in our neighborhood. Matt and Aaron took the kids out while RuLynn, Andrea and I finished making the witch fingers and hairy toes. Yum! We also had goblin tongues, witches brew, dinner in a pumpkin, and creepy peepers. The boys all looked SO cute, especially the little ones. The older boys really got into their characters. We loved having visitors too! It was nice to have Andrea there to take some pictures and I appreciated RuLynn helping with keep up with the dishes for the past couple of weeks. Nate was able to go back to school this week which has been great. Thanks for all of your prayers and support!

Nate-Jack Sparrow
Spencer-the Spy
Sam-the Pirate
Cameron-the Lion
Karston-the Skunk
Oh Britt, I am so missing you right now! You are so much fun! What a fun halloween...you always make such fun food for the holidays. I bet that was so fun to have Nana and the Skidmores over! Great pictures and I love the spider...where did you get that!?
You amaze me! Someday I hope to be as fun, creative and pulled together as you are!
By the way I saw some pictures of you as a little girl at Granny's today. You were (still are) very pretty!
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