The boys started back to school, and boy was that a hard week. I love going to the beach at the very end of the summer, but this year I had an especially hard time jumping back into real life. They were all excited about their teachers and riding the bus and seeing old friends. There is always the stereotype that school lunch is disgusting, but my boys love it! Matt stayed to say good-bye to them and Cameron had to get his backpack out just like he was going too. He was pretty sad when he had to stay home by himself. It only took about 30 minutes for him to say "Where Nate?" And then after that, "Where Daddy?"
Sam if off to Kindergarten so he is gone all day just like the older boys. He is doing great and he loves to tell me about his work. I really miss him. While I'm thinking about him, here are a couple "SAMS."
I remembered today why I shouldn't have him empty the garbage for his chore. I see this odd collection of things I though I threw away sitting on the bench. Sam comes in and says, "I just emptied the garbage and look at all this great stuff I found!" Sooo cute, but now I have to figure out how to throw it away again.
On our way to soccer the other night, he says, "Mom, see those signs with the big P and the line through it? That sign means that you can't pee anywhere around there." I tried to explain that it meant that you couldn't park there, but he was so sure about it that I thought, yea, you shouldn't pee there either. What a unique way of thinking he has-he sometimes reminds me of my sister Emily. Love that boy...and all my boys!

Wow! 3 Boys in school. What are you going to do with all the silence? I bet Sam feels a bit left out. Lucky boy, he gets you all to himself!
I still can't believe you have are down to 1 little boy during the day. Before you know it you'll be hanging out by yourself--you won't know what do!
I love and adore all your boys-but I have to say "Samisms" are my FAVORITE. He keeps me cracking up. I love that he things the no parking sign in no peeing. He is too cute.
I had forgotten what your house looked like. I love it. I can't believe that you are down to one. It must mean you need to add another one to the family! I love the no peeing sign.
love ali
Poor little Cam Cam...all alone with you all day...actually maybe he will love all that one on one time he's always had to compete for! Congrats Sam on being such a big kid and getting to ride on the bus with your brothers...Addie is really jealous! Love you guys
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