We were happy to have visitors for Thanksgiving! One day we traveled up to Gettysburg. It happened to be special day (but now I have forgotten what it was) and so there were authors there and we were able to meet Jeff Shaara who wrote Gods and Generals and whose father wrote Killer Angels which is a favorite book of ours. We enjoyed the film and the cyclorama show but we didn't have enough time to see the rest of the museum. We wanted to get out and see the actual battlefield. The kid's favorite parts were climbing the tower and climbing the rocks on Little Round Top. One of the neatest things was that at night they lit hundreds, probably thousands of the graves in the cemetery. It was a beautiful sight and being there makes you appreciative of all those who have given their lives for our country. (I think the event was the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address.)
Here is our Thanksgiving in a photo essay by Nate.
He took a billion pictures but these were some favs.
Self Portrait of the Photographer
Olivia was my little helper!
Happy Grandpa
I tried a new way to cook the turkey. It was more difficult than the magazine made it look. It is called spatchcocking the turkey. You cut the backbone out and flatten it down and then it cooks faster and more evenly. I figured that because of how much time it took to cut it, I don't think I saved any time. The turkey did taste juicy though.
These are from our visit to Cox Farm this year with Nana. After so many years of going we are starting to have a good system down. It is such a fun place, I hope the kids never outgrow it.
Picking the perfect pumpkin is very important!
On this slide you come out the dinosaur's back end. The boys were saying "I don't wanna be poop." I think it was supposed to look like you are sliding down the tail, but I have to agree with the boys that it looks a little more like you are getting pooped out.
The volcano is the funnest slide.
It rumbles and smokes on top and it is fast, especially if you sit on your sweatshirt.