At least someone in the family watches the news. Ray had to tell me that the Pentagon memorial had opened. You would think I would know about that-how embarrassing. We decided to go and see it. I circled the parking lot a few time before I figured out where to park, but then I thought it was a nice memorial. Every person who died in the crash has a bench. If their bench faces the pentagon then they were passengers on the plane. If their bench faces away from the pentagon then they were working in the pentagon. The benches were aligned by birth year which made it a graphic representation. I guess they still have some kinks to work out, because there was a crew there working and apparently they have to clean it non-stop.
I felt glad to be reminded of 9/11 and what happened. It is so easy to get comfortable and forget how many people have sacrificed for our freedoms and how many are still sacrificing. I don't fully understand it, but I am so thankful for all those who serve.

1 comment:
That is so neat that you are able to see all of those types of things. And hey, cute hair Britt. I like it.
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