There have been a lot of battles going on at our house lately. The boys love the Star Wars Clone Troopers new shows. Poor things have to watch them all tiny on the internet though. They crafted these helmets out of paper and they have held up mighty well! They can hardly see through the eye holes and so when Matt plays with them, they make easy targets.
In other news, we had snow flurries yesterday so the boys got to open their snow presents. They each got a star wars guy and they were soooo excited. Cam calls his Soda(Yoda) and the Wheesy(Horsey, or the thing Yoda is riding).
I finally mopped my kitchen floor, did my dishes and the laundry is almost done--I never get all the way done. Maybe this is boring news, but I felt good about the floor!
I read Pres. Uchtdorf's message from the Relief Society broadcast and it made me feel HAPPY. You can read it
here. Favorite quote: "The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul."
I have been doing a lot of photography lately so if you want to see, check out my photography blog--and leave me a comment:)
On election night the boys were having a political discussion. I was impressed and I laughed hard when Sam corrected Nate saying "It is George "W" Bush, not George Bush." Duh! I'm pretty sure I didn't know the presidents whole name when I was five, or the candidates running. Kids are smart these days!
I'm pretty sad because there is no candy corn to be found in the stores anymore. I love those things, but it is probably better for my teeth this way. Good thing they start putting out Halloween decorations in the summer.
Lastly, I can't wait for this weekend. Fun in Utah, and the Twilight movie!