I'm posting this day in reverse. So, before we went to the firefighter memorial, we visited the Gettysburg Battlefield. Matt and I both read Killer Angels this year and so I enjoyed our trip much more than the last time we went. It has been awhile (since Nate was a baby and we went with Nana and Missy) and now there is a wonderful new museum to explore. The park ranger was especially nice and let us in for free--maybe for the holiday???--and the boys enjoyed the movies and computer screens to touch. It was very cold and windy but that didn't stop them from having fun and reenacting battle scenes.

Skidmore's Charge

The battle was fierce.

The view from the South's position with Big Round Top in the background.

From the rocks on Little Round Top.

Virginia's Memorial and my little soldiers. Aren't stick guns the best.

Sittin' on the giant boulders the men would have fought from.