So glad we found time to stop by my Aunt Diane and Uncle Doug's house! Each year Doug sets up a huge train exhibit and the boys LOVED it. They had to find each of the hidden things on the list and they thought it was cool to go out and pop up in the middle of the tracks. If you didn't see it, give Diane and call and maybe it is still not too late!

We were also able to visit Granny and Grandpa Aposhian. As always, Granny found a treat to share with the boys and they ate them up in a hurry. I have WONDERFUL grandparents. I can't think of anyone else I know who is such a constant example of obedience and striving to be Christ-like. Thank you SO much Granny and Grandpa for the completely generous Christmas gift. I have been working on it all month and I'm so excited! We love you!
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